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Basic concepts

MLEM Objects

The most important concept in MLEM is MLEM Object. Basically, MLEM is a library to create, manage and use different MLEM Objects, such as models, data and other types.

For example, when you use mlem.api.save(), you create a MLEM Object from a supported Python structure. MLEM Objects can also be created with mlem declare.

MLEM Objects are saved as special metafiles in YAML format with the .mlem extension. These may or may not have artifacts (other files or directories) associated.

Typically, if MLEM Object has only one artifact, it will have the same file name without .mlem extension, for example model.mlem and model, or data.csv and data.csv.mlem.

If MLEM Object have multiple artifacts, they will be stored in a directory with the same name, for example model.mlem + model/data.pkl + model/data2.pkl.

Model Codification

Saving models to files or loading them back into python objects may seem like a deceptively simple task at first. For example, pickle and torch libraries can serialize/deserialize model objects to/from files, or you can use joblib to serialize NumPy-heavy models more effectively.

However, when MLEM is used to save python model objects or enrich existing model files using the import command, it adds its "special sauce" - all the things needed to reliably recreate this Python object later are extracted auto-magically and are written to a .mlem metadata file. This additional "metafile" is a yaml representation of the MLEM Object corresponding to the model Python object. This is why we refer to this operation as a "codification" of the model, and is a very powerful concept, underlining a lot of MLEM's abilities.

Here are the key advantages of using MLEM to save your models:

  • Deep inspection and input data schema serialization - more details on what's extracted below
  • Standardized, single tool to save/load models - decoupled from your ML framework of choice (torch, catboost, sklearn or any other package)
  • Drop-in replacement for most existing use-cases
  • MLEM is modular by design, supporting new formats for models/data and other objects is easy and native as an umbrella tool on top of existing technologies

Here is a breakdown of the data MLEM extracts from models objects:

  1. Model methods: Like predict and predict_proba
  2. Deep recursive inspection - custom Python functions and objects, like other models/transformers/preprocessors your model calls under the hood
  3. Input data schema: Describes the dataframe (Iris dataset)
  4. Python Requirements: sklearn and pandas in this case, with the specific versions used to train the model

Down the line this metadata enables us to easily and reliably package and serve different model types in various ways using MLEM.

This is extracted by MLEM when we save/import models with MLEM. We don't have to specify any of this ourselves. MLEM inspects the object (even if it's complex) and infers all of this automatically!

Here is an example model metafile rf.mlem, produced by saving the model from the get-started guide:

    hash: 5a38e5d68b9b9e69e9e894bcc9b8a601
    size: 163651
    uri: rf
        - name: data
              - sepal length (cm)
              - sepal width (cm)
              - petal length (cm)
              - petal width (cm)
              - float64
              - float64
              - float64
              - float64
            index_cols: []
            type: dataframe
      name: predict
        dtype: int64
          - null
        type: ndarray
        - name: data
              - sepal length (cm)
              - sepal width (cm)
              - petal length (cm)
              - petal width (cm)
              - float64
              - float64
              - float64
              - float64
            index_cols: []
            type: dataframe
      name: predict_proba
        dtype: float64
          - null
          - 3
        type: ndarray
  type: sklearn
object_type: model
  - module: sklearn
    version: 1.1.2
  - module: numpy
    version: 1.22.4
  - module: pandas
    version: 1.5.0

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