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Create an artifact version to signify an important, published or released iteration.


usage: gto register [-r <text>] [--ver <text>] [-m <text>]
                    [--simple <text>] [--force] [--bump-major]
                    [--bump-minor] [--bump-patch] [--push] [-h]
                    name [ref]

  name             Artifact name
  [ref]            Git reference to use for registration [default: HEAD]


Registering a version is usually done to mark significant changes to the artifact. To release a new version (including the very first one), use gto register.

$ gto register awesome-model HEAD --version v0.0.1
Created git tag '[email protected]' that registers a version

GTO creates a special Git tag for the artifact version, in the standard format.

The version is now associated to the current Git commit (HEAD). You can use another Git commit if you provide it's hexsha as an additional argument, like $ gto register awesome-model abc1234.


  • -r <text>, --repo <text> - Local or remote repository [default: .]
  • --version <text>, --ver <text> - Version name in SemVer format
  • -m <text>, --message <text> - Message to annotate the Git tag with
  • --simple <text> - Use simple notation, e.g. rf#prod instead of rf#prod-5 [supported values: auto, true, false] [default: auto]
  • --force - Create the Git tag even if it already exists and is in effect
  • --bump-major - Bump major version
  • --bump-minor - Bump minor version
  • --bump-patch - Bump patch version
  • --push - Push created tag automatically (experimental)
  • -h, --help - Show this message and exit.


Register new version at HEAD:
$ gto register nn

Register new version at a specific ref:
$ gto register nn abc1234

Assign version name explicitly:
$ gto register nn --version v1.0.0

Choose a part to bump version by:
$ gto register nn --bump-minor

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