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class FSSpecArtifact

MlemABC parent type: artifact

MlemABC type: fsspec

Represents a file stored in an fsspec filesystem


  • uri: str (required) - Path to file

  • size: int (required) - size in bytes

  • hash: str (required) - md5 hash

class FSSpecStorage

MlemABC parent type: storage

MlemABC type: fsspec

Represents an fsspec filesystem


  • uri: str (required) - Path to storage dir

class LocalArtifact

MlemABC parent type: artifact

MlemABC type: local

Special case for local file


  • uri: str (required) - Path to file

  • size: int (required) - size in bytes

  • hash: str (required) - md5 hash

class LocalStorage

MlemABC parent type: storage

MlemABC type: local

Special case for local filesystem


  • uri: str (required) - Path to storage dir

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