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Copy a MLEM Object from uri and saves a copy of it to target path.


usage: mlem clone [-p <path>] [--rev <commitish>]
                  [--tp <path>] [-h]
                  uri target

  uri              URI to object you want to clone
  target           Path to store the downloaded object.


Cloning a MLEM Object from source to target destination creates an independent copy of the original object. This can be useful in cases where you need the model without cloning the whole repository.


  • -p <path>, --project <path> - Path to MLEM project [default: (none)]
  • --rev <commitish> - Repo revision to use [default: (none)]
  • --tp <path>, --target-project <path> - Project to save target to [default: (none)]
  • -h, --help - Show this message and exit.


Copy a remote model (in GitHub) to a local directory

$ mlem clone rf --project https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started --rev main mymodel

Copy a remote model from a GitHub repo, to a different, remote, S3 MLEM project

$ mlem clone rf --project https://github.com/iterative/example-mlem-get-started --rev main mymodel --tp s3://mybucket/mymodel

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