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deployment apply

Apply a deployed model to data.


usage: mlem deployment apply [-p <path>] [--rev <commitish>]
                             [--dp <path>] [--dr <commitish>] [-o <text>]
                             [--tp <path>] [-m <text>] [--json] [-h]
                             path data

  path             Path to deployment meta
  data             Path to data object


The deployment apply command lets us apply MLEM deployments (deployed models) to data (MLEM object). This means the server's method endpoints (such as predict by default) will be called with the given data and the outputs gathered and returned, also as a MLEM Object.


  • -p <path>, --project <path> - Path to MLEM project [default: (none)]
  • --rev <commitish> - Repo revision to use [default: (none)]
  • --dp <path>, --data-project <path> - Project with data
  • --dr <commitish>, --data-rev <commitish> - Revision of data
  • -o <text>, --output <text> - Where to store the outputs.
  • --tp <path>, --target-project <path> - Project to save target to [default: (none)]
  • -m <text>, --method <text> - Which model method is to be applied [default: predict]
  • --json - Output as json
  • -h, --help - Show this message and exit.

Example: Apply a dataset on a deployed model

$ mlem deployment apply service_name mydata --method predict

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