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Pack model into something useful, such as docker image, Python package or something else.
def build(
builder: Union[str, MlemBuilder],
model: Union[str, MlemModel],
from mlem.api import build
build("pip", "rf", target="build", package_name="example_mlem_get_started")
This API is the underlying mechanism for the mlem build command and allows us to programmatically create ship-able assets from MlemModels such as pip-ready packages, Docker images, etc.
mlem types
command$ mlem types builder pip
Type mlem.contrib.pip.base.PipBuilder
MlemABC parent type: builder
MlemABC type: pip
MlemObject type name: builder
Create a directory python package
[required] package_name: str
Name of python package
[required] target: str
Path to save result
[not required] templates_dir: List[str] = []
list of directories to look for jinja templates
[not required] templates_dir.0: str = None
Element of templates_dir
[not required] python_version: str = None
Required python version
[not required] short_description: str = ""
[not required] url: str = ""
[not required] email: str = ""
author's email
[not required] author: str = ""
author's name
[not required] version: str = "0.0.0"
package version
[not required] additional_setup_kwargs: Dict[str, any] = {}
additional parameters for setup()
[not required] additional_setup_kwargs.key: any = None
Element of additional_setup_kwargs
(required) - Builder to use.model
(required) - The model to build.builder_kwargs
(required) - Additional keyword arguments to pass to the
builder.The result of the build, different for different builders.
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from mlem.contrib.docker import DockerImageBuilder
from mlem.contrib.docker.base import DockerImage
from mlem.contrib.fastapi import FastAPIServer
from mlem.api import build
train, target = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
model = DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(train, target)
model_meta = MlemModel.from_obj(model)
built = build(