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class PipBuilder

MlemABC parent type: builder

MlemABC type: pip

Create a directory python package


  • package_name: str (required) - Name of python package

  • target: str (required) - Path to save result

  • python_version: str - Required python version

  • short_description: str = "" - short_description

  • url: str = "" - url

  • email: str = "" - author's email

  • author: str = "" - author's name

  • version: str = "0.0.0" - package version

class WhlBuilder

MlemABC parent type: builder

MlemABC type: whl

Create a wheel with python package


  • package_name: str (required) - Name of python package

  • target: str (required) - Path to save result

  • python_version: str - Required python version

  • short_description: str = "" - short_description

  • url: str = "" - url

  • email: str = "" - author's email

  • author: str = "" - author's name

  • version: str = "0.0.0" - package version


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